
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2024)
Original Articles

Presence of Agger Nasi cells and their relationship with frontal recess thickness: a retrospective study in a Brazilian population

Isabela Inoue Kussaba
State University of Maring谩
Fernanda Vessoni Iwaki
Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Estadual de Maring谩, Maring谩, Paran谩, Brazil.

Published 2024-08-21


  • Agger Nasi Cells,
  • Cone-beam Computed Tomography,
  • Epidemiology,
  • Frontal Recess,
  • Imaging

How to Cite

Inoue Kussaba I, Vessoni Iwaki F, Silvestre F, Lorenzi Poluha R, Vessoni Iwaki LC, Chicarelli da Silva M. Presence of Agger Nasi cells and their relationship with frontal recess thickness: a retrospective study in a Brazilian population. BJHBS [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];23(1). Available from: /bjhbs/article/view/167


Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out an epidemiological survey of the presence of Agger Nasi (AN) cells, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, in a Brazilian population in the region of Maring谩 - Paran谩. Materials and Methods: The tomographic analyzes verified the thickness of the frontal beak (FB), anteroposterior length of the frontal isthmus, anteroposterior length of the FR and side-to-side, anteroposterior and vertical (cranio-caudal) diameter of the AN cells. Statistical analyzes were performed using the statistical program Jamovi (V2.5.5.0). For correlation analysis between the variables, the Spearman test was used. The study indicates the presence of AN cells in 100% of the individuals analyzed, being present bilaterally. Results: There was no significant correlation between FB and the AN cell. Significant positive correlations were found relating Right Agger Nasi Cell (ANC-R) and Left Agger Nasi Cell (ANC-L) with Front Recess (FR) and Frontal Sinus (FS). Conclusion: Anatomical knowledge on the part of professionals is of fundamental importance for a surgery to access the FS in a precise and uncomplicated way.


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