@article{Soares_2024, place={Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil}, title={The dynamic of intersected social categories in social interactions in a Brazilian psychosocial care center}, volume={23}, url={/bjhbs/article/view/160}, DOI={10.12957/bjhbs.2024.85281}, abstractNote={<p>The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform advocates non-asylum treatment for individuals diagnosed with severe or persistent mental disorders, mainly through the Psychosocial Care Centers. This research aims to understand how intersected social categories have a role in social interactions between social actors in the institution. This qualitative ethnographic research uses the technique of participant observation. For the theoretical framework, the theory of intersectionality was chosen in addition to the concept of intersectional stigma to reflect on intersectional discrimination. In addition to power relations between staff members and patients, it was identified the intersection of social categories, including concerning how the social actors involved tend to notice their oppressions, but not their privileges, that is, the oppressions of others. The researcher argues therefore that the intersected social categories influence the dynamic of social interactions in the institution generating an even more unjust experience for the patients in the institution in question.</p>}, number={1}, journal={香港六合彩开奖结果}, author={Soares, Roberta}, year={2024}, month={Aug.} }