@article{H. S. B. Junior_C. C. Farias_P. Oliveira_V. Perlingeiro_C. Henrique_C. Coelho-Oliveira_C. Sá-Caputo_F. Ferreira-Souza_Bernardo-Filho_2023, place={Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil}, title={The anti-inflammatory effect of propolis on human tissue: A systematic review}, volume={21}, url={/bjhbs/article/view/3}, DOI={10.12957/bjhbs.2022.71605}, abstractNote={<p>Introduction: The healing process that occurs after a tissue lesion is divided into three distinct phases: inflammation phase, proliferation, and remodeling. Despite the structural similarity of the anatomy of the skin and oral mucosa, the oral mucosa presents a unique healing environment. Treatment options for chronic lesions are still limited, hence efforts in the research of traditional therapies with alternative clinical treatments, such as the use of propolis, have been conducted. Objectives: This systematic review aims to evaluate the anti-inflammatory property of propolis in the tissue repair process. Methods: A database search was performed using the descriptors “Propolis”, “Wound Healing” and “Complementary Therapies”. Results: Ninety-three publications were found in electronic databases. Of these 93 articles, 84 were excluded for failing to meet the eligibility criteria and only 9 articles were read in full. With regard to design, seven works were considered to be of “fair” methodological quality and two considered to be “poor”. Only one study was classified as Level of evidence III-2, three studies as III-3, and five studies as IV, due to the studies having been carried out without specific interventions. Conclusions: The benefits of propolis can be considered to be its proven anti-inflammatory activity, as well as collagen stimulation, rapid promotion of the healing process, and few side effects.</p>}, number={2}, journal={ϲʿ}, author={H. S. B. Junior, Paulo and C. C. Farias, Lucas and P. Oliveira, Sara and V. Perlingeiro, Raiele and C. Henrique, Stephany and C. Coelho-Oliveira, Ana and C. Sá-Caputo, Danúbia and F. Ferreira-Souza, Luiz and Bernardo-Filho, Mario}, year={2023}, month={Jan.}, pages={91–100} }